This is the fourth monthly review report. The other existing reports of this nature are:
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Whilst content development and publication for the month of November has been minimal, the momentum of viewer-ship has been maintained. Whilst the number of visitors and views has declined slightly, one positive has been the slight increase in number of views per visitor, which suggests people are browsing XBOP more. By far, the audience of XBOP has swung now to being US-centric and dominant – a reflection of the fact that perhaps the use of my page/post tags to ProPresenter is starting to gain traction?
Beyond the website online presence, my ongoing use of Facebook continues such that I was recently invited to join an online forum/group for similar minded people who are involved with church ministries specific to use of presentation software and technology.
Life outside my online identity and involvement has also reduced the amount of time available to generating content as regularly which is why the month of November has been a lot quieter than in recent times. With a busy December ahead it is hard to predict exactly how much time I can apportion to updating XBOP with new website content…
One quick content update which also ties to part of current busy-ness is the latest page addition on Operation Christmas Child, one of the strategic social causes that I am involved with.
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