This is the final monthly review report for 2014 and as such includes an annual review. Other existing reports of this nature are:
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December 2014 has been largely cyclical comparative to the year previously where readership/viewer-ship decreased. With a consistent 41% decrease for visitors and views, the general busy-ness of the holiday season also limited my ability to post regularly. With my two-week holiday ending today, I feel suitably justified that I took a two-week vacation also from XBOP content posting.
2014 Annual Review
In part, the following commentary is derived from the WordPress JetPack Annual Report.
A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,600 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people. The busiest day of the year was October 18th with 193 views. The most popular post that day was ProPresenter + OS X Yosemite = ?.
I posted 79 times which more than doubled the amount of XBOP content. Throughout the year I improved small aspects of my website which saw the Home Page uncluttered, a more efficient use of tags/categories and search engine optimisation (SEO). Collectively ProPresenter and the Favourite Worship Song topics are the top reasons why you visit my site.
A number of writing initiatives remain work in progress, but I can cross off my to-do list the integration and migration of legacy content that was previously housed on LiveJournal and Blogger. A concerted effort beginning in March saw a regular posting frequency developed (4 per month) with an increased frequency from May through to September (a peak of 15 posts that month) which then tapered off to a low 2 per month for October onwards. During the peak period of August and September, I even had a short list of content scheduled for future posting, which also lessened the pressure on developing content.
This post is being back-dated to Thursday 1 January since it was due out on that day, so that I can also release my Christmas/New Year post, also back-dated to Saturday 3 January.
Thank you again for journeying with me here at XBOP in 2014. Whilst these monthly reviews tend to adopt a quantitative statistical analysis of the site, there is also the qualitative impact that my content has on you the reader – it is naturally harder to measure but I do get the occasional and surprising in-person feedback from people who let me know they are following and reading my material! Thank you.
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