This is the fourth monthly review for 2015. Other reports for 2015 available:
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The month of April has been a slightly quieter month across the board. With the early part of the month being Easter and school holidays, my publishing cycle has been affected such that mid way through (April Adjustments), has seen a slight change to the days of releasing publications.
Across the board, as seen in the statistics above, there has been a 1/3 decrease to visitors and views. I have come to the view that everything is interrelated – just as I have struggled to find the time in the later half of this month to maintain my thrice-weekly publishing cycle, and even struggled publish earlier in the day (12pm AEST was my unstated goal for each day), so too perhaps is the attention my website receives…? Case in point, this monthly review should have been published last night instead of this morning.
The progression of my Childhood Memory Verse series will continue ahead and resume after my two-week holiday, which I now embark upon. Yesterday marked the first full day of using the Apple Watch (Sports 32mm edition) and I hope to write up on the experience of using it. A week ago, I had a speaking opportunity at a Career Development workshop hosted by a group called the Chinese Elite Melbourne Association (CEMA) for their members – this too will be a future write-up. I estimate my holiday travels will result in at least two posts – one each for my week in Malaysia and then in Singapore. As part of attending the family wedding, I already have in mind another article on cross-cultural weddings…
So, even though it is a holiday, I still have XBOP on my mind. Two final events to give a “plug” to, whilst I am overseas:
1. This weekend my church hosts the annual Discipleship weekend titled Disciple-making Disciple where our guest speaker is Bryan Loritts:
2. The other cause/event is Go The Extra Mile which is being held on Saturday 9 May.

A number of friends are participating, across two teams:
Please support my friends and donate to the cause!
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