This is a publicly visible landing page for the XBOP Family collection of pages.

A large part, or lack thereof, of my identity is the fact that I lost my mother to cancer when I was about four years old. This loss has long fuelled my thirst for knowledge on my family tree. Fortunately, through the constant connection back to my mother’s side of the family in Malaysia and Singapore, I have managed to build a family tree.
Over the years, the documentation storage of my family record has evolved, from a static HTML website, operating from my local machine, to the current system via the genealogy software developed by Leister Pro for Mac OSX — Reunion. The software offers numerous reporting mechanisms, including the generation of a web report in the format of HTML files that replicate the family and person card schema.
To access the family website, you will require login details, which serve to protect the wealth of information –
Family Stories
Since January 2015, once a week I have been publishing stories on selected individuals. The following is an index of all stories available in this collection:
# | Individual/Title | Posted |
1 | Setting the Scene | 10/01/2015 |
2 | LEE Yew Beng | 17/01/2015 |
3 | CHAN Saw Kooi | 24/01/2015 |
4 | LIM Seng Kim | 31/01/2015 |
5 | LEE Swee Guan | 06/02/2015 |
6 | LEE Swee Hin | 14/02/2015 |
7 | KHOO Family Ancestors | 21/02/2015 |
8 | LIM Family Ancestors | 28/02/2015 |
9 | CHEW Sim Ann | 07/03/2015 |
10 | LEE Swee Lee | 26/08/2016 |
Some interesting statistics that I can share (updated 1 March 2022):
- My family tree database has 1192 [1 August 2016: 874, previously 814] individuals recorded.
- There are 867 [643, 605] families defined, spread across 120 (106) unique family names.
- 590 individuals are my blood relatives – a handful of us have taken part in the MyHeritage DNA tests and this development has some interesting insights in itself!
- I have 24 first cousins (both sides of the family).
- I have 145 second cousins (across both sides of the family)
[141 – four “discovered in the last 6 years]. - At my grandparent’s generation, I have 16 grand aunts and uncles, peers/siblings/cousins at the same generation of my four grandparents.
- All grandparents and seven of my great-grandparents are known; only my paternal grandmother’s father remains a mystery — one that is unlikely to ever be solved.
- The furthest back I can trace in my lineage:
- mother’s family: my great-great-grandfather
- father’s family: great-grandfather
- For the parallel Lim family, my uncle has traced an additional 12 generations of lineage back to the 1700s.
- The most distant family I am in contact with are my second cousins, once removed, from both sides of the family.
- The most common ages are 47 and 54, as of 2015 (7 individuals each age).
- The average age for males is 45 compared to 51 for females.
- The average age for a person having their first child is 29 (living), 24 (not living) or 27 (combined).
- On my wife’s side of the family, my Father-in-Law showed me an official/printed giant Chinese family record book which traces 1000s of his relatives/ancestors – I only map that side of the family to the more “immediate” grandfather’s generation of my wife…